ALLGet is the communication software, which you can use for connection your PBX to your PC. We offer three types of ALLGet software:

ALLGet Light - you can connect one port PBX to the computer (serial, paralel, IP)

ALLGet Standard - you can connect one port PBX to the computer (serial, paralel, IP) as a NT service

ALLGet Central - you can connect more than one PBX (different types of them) via different ports

For example you can use ALLGet to connect IP port of the Alcatel Omni PCX to Network, to PC...

ALL.COM - software, s.r.o., Zavadilova 11, 160 00 Praha 6
tel./fax: 233 324 003, 233 320 517
mobile: 602 380 616, 602 413 467, 602 805 252
Last changes:
November the 30th 2007